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Monday, March 9, 2009

Plus Size Models - All Plus Clothing Retailers Should Use Them

It never fails. Every time I check my mailbox, there's at least one catalog from a plus clothing retailer. No biggie. I love clothes and I enjoy checking out what's new. However, I don't enjoy seeing those clothes on slender models that just seem out of place. In fact, it ticks me off. Seriously. Why are these thin women plastered all over catalogs geared towards plus size women? The simple answer is that they shouldn't be. Every plus clothing retailer should use plus size models. Here's why.

For starters, plus size women want and need to see more women like them in the entertainment and beauty industries. Full-figured women are just as talented, beautiful, smart, and capable as their slender counterparts. Yet, curvier ladies are often overlooked because they don't fit some cookie-cutter beauty ideal. Many of them have esteem issues that could easily be rectified with self-acceptance. While seeing more plus size models won't fix the situation, it could certainly help the process along.

Secondly, it's time to level the playing field. It's taken a lot of hard work to claim a portion of the industry for plus size fashion. The modeling industry has got to catch up. I'm not advocating that slender models be banned like some people do. However, modeling plus size fashion should be reserved for plus size women. There are plenty of full-bodied ladies out there who are willing and able to do the job. They deserve the chance to represent themselves.

However, the most important reason for retailers to use plus size models is simple, practicality. It's hard to tell how a garment will fit me when the model in the picture looks like she's drowning in it. It makes no sense whatsoever to have slender women wear clothes ten sizes too big rather than use curvy ones who actually fill out the clothes. I am much more likely to make a purchase from retailers that use models with bodies I can relate to. I'm pretty sure other women like me feel the same. It's just good business. More plus size models please!


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